Mac Patch Management

Automated mac patch management software to quickly and automatically fix any weaknesses found on your macOS.

Automated Patch Management Software

Achieve your Mac Patch Management Goals with our all-in-one solution


Automated scans for non-security and security patches, all completed in under five minutes

Perform continuous and automated scans of your IT effortlessly with SanerNow’s mac Patch Management solution. Identify all critical risks and exposures and patch them automatically.


Get easily and quickly available patches to speed up the mac patch management process

SanerNow macOS Patch Management tool collects all the latest macOS patches in less than 24 hours, ensuring they are tested and ready to be installed.


Patch management for mac systems using a single, integrated console for patch management

SanerNow’s Mac Patch Management simplifies the process of keeping your macOS systems up-to-date and secure. The solution simplifies patch management tasks, reducing complexity.


Quickly resolve all critical vulnerabilities & exposures with a simple one-click solution

SanerNow’s mac patch management sorts of critical vulnerabilities from less urgent ones through severity levels and recognizes risk prioritization methods, making the remediation process smooth.

Use these Features to Make your Mac Computers more secure

Modify patch scans to fit your schedule perfectly​

Depending on monthly scans can leave your organization vulnerable to cyberattacks. SanerNow’s mac patching software allows you to schedule updates according to your requirements.

Patch Rollback. Simplified!

In certain situations, a patch could result in errors or disruptions. SanerNow macOS patch management smoothens patch rollback through a straightforward one-click process.

Make sure you kill risky vulnerabilities first!

SanerNow macOS Patch Manager sorts patches by how important they are and the rules they follow. This makes installing the important patches easier and strengthens your Mac’s security.

Be ready for checks and follow the rules of your industry properly

Many organizations emphasize patch compliance within their security policies. SanerNow’s automated macOS patch management software provides a unified view of your organization’s compliance.

Make patching smoother by using easy automation

Dealing with many vulnerabilities manually can be hard. But with SanerNow macOS Patch Management Software, everything from finding problems to fixing them happens automatically.

Assess and approve patches prior to applying them

Applying new patches directly into your primary system can be risky. SanerNow’s mac patch tool enables you to establish a testing environment for evaluating patches before implementing them.

Simplify Cloud-based patching using a single agent

Easily distribute patches to globally dispersed devices through a centralized cloud-based macOS patch management solution. A single agent installed on endpoints handles all patching tasks, scanning, and deployment.

Quickly update your devices and servers with the newest improvements

SanerNow Mac Patch Management provides quick support for the latest patches on MacOS, ensuring updates are available within 24 hours of vendor release.


Cloud-Based Automated Mac Patch Management

Manual patching on MacOS systems can be challenging, leading to extended periods of unpatched software. SanerNow offers automated macOS patch management, conducting scans, and swiftly detecting and applying missing patches. 

Patching of third-party software applications, databases, and servers

SanerNow’s macOS Patch Management ensures the smooth operation of over 450 third-party applications through effective patching, promoting uninterrupted business workflows. 


Improve Cyber Hygiene with macOS Patch Management

Assess vulnerability levels within your macOS systems, measure their cyber hygiene, and optimize your remediation strategies. Employ a data-driven scoring model designed for macOS environments to elevate your organization’s cyber hygiene. 

Enhance Mac Patch Management using SanerNow's

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